
I’m writing this on the afternoon of our fourth and final day of filming. The past four days have been packed full, and everyone has been absolutely incredible. We have had such an amazing team of people who have volunteered their talents and time to help tell this story! We are so grateful, and so blown away by everyone who has made this film possible. Especially those who worked behind the scenes, never even seeing the action, but enabling it to run smoothly. Thank you!


Tomorrow we record the voice over, and then we’re fully in the world of post-production! 

Screen Test

This is a screen test with our lead actress. We are so incredibly pleased and excited about her! 

We have been so encouraged by seeing how God has been paving the path for this film! Last week we were getting stressed about using a child actor as we began to learn more about child labor laws and need for work permits and (mostly) the need for an on-set teacher, of which we know none (or didn’t as of Wednesday). But on Thursday Nathanael was at a class at church and one of the other students happened to mention that she is a currently certified on-set studio teacher! What are the odds? We totally feel like God has this all under control and we are just walking in the path He has already prepared. 

I (Christina) am trying to seek out God’s heart towards the demographic our film will highlight, and musing over how to really communicate the depth of his love for them. And how we, as followers of God, should be positioning our lives in such a way that reflects the heart of God. Anyways, we get our verse any minute now! Can’t wait to actually start writing this thing!

Pre-Production for The 168 Project

We are in pre-production for the 168 Project. The contest hasn’t actually started yet, so mostly we’re scouting (and trying to secure) locations, actors, and doing lots of research on our concept. Getting pretty excited and nervous at the same time! We can start on the story next Monday…it’s coming up!

Woohoo! Our short film is premiering in L.A. this April 2nd. That’s fun.

This year we decided to take part in the 168 film festival. So fun. You should do it. I can’t wait to do it again next year.

I haven’t blogged in ages!

It’s come to my attention that my blog needs some love.

It’s been raining here lately. So… video in honor of the rain!

[vimeo 20580419]


We’ve been in SouthEast Asia getting some awesome footage. i can’t wait till the edit is done so i can post it!
We are also in the middle of a lot of projects….. so one of these days I’ll just have tons of new vids to post all at once!
(look forward to that day)

Oooh, and we just finished a short film for a festival. Premiers  in L.A. at the end of this month!

My Boots


I was given the opportunity to create a lyric video for Lights and her new single My Boots

Shot and edited in three days. So if it feels a bit rushed – it was.


I made this video for a class offered at my church.

Renew – a course on global issues. Social justice type stuff.

I was excited to over use optical flares by videocopilot.net
I motioned tracked the subjects faces to stick the flares in the shots.

Corporate-type videos?

I think I’ve had some of the most fun I’ve had making videos working with Sean Naus on this Toyota video.
Not the most exciting video…..  at all. But it’s all who you’re working with.

The concept, you drop your car off at Toyota to be serviced, and they drive you to work. While you ride, you have NO CHOICE but to watch this video.

Jason Reeves – Helium Hearts

Well, I can finally post this up on my blog now that it’s released.
The new J Reeves Helium Hearts Vid.

Pretty simple concept. But we had fun running around L.A. shooting it.

popeater.com describes it best.
“The video for ‘Helium Hearts’ is as lighthearted as the song. It opens with Reeves greeting his girlfriend with a bundle of heart-shaped balloons, and the pair then wanders all over Los Angeles distributing them to strangers. The lyrics to ‘Helium Hearts’ are also reflected in the video, with the young lovers wanting to share their joy with as many people as possible.”

And Jason has the most amazing quote!

“This song was stumbled upon like almost all of my songs, like a secret golden pond found just over a hidden hill when I’m dying of thirst in an endless desert, and its light was caught and reflected from the pure and joyous exuberant bliss of real life potential love,” Reeves tells PopEater. “I never set out to write songs like this — they come like rare miracles through my brightest emotions. This is a song about wildfire love, written at its brink. And the video is intended to capture that feeling, even if only in the form of a glimmer.”

got some lights

Finally got some lighting for myself.

I put together this tiny wittle vid with my cutie wife in our living room

and here’s a screenshot for a Toyota vid I’m working on (using the lights of course)

Toyota Vids

Working with a friend of mine on some little viral vids for Toyota.
This one features my wife and baby. Nice.